Air Systems Corporation is a consulting company that solves work exposure and environmental control problems. We understand the complex issues between dust generation and employee exposure.

At Air Systems Corporation we know how to:

  • Capture hazardous dust in order to meet any desired occupational exposure limit.
  • Capture hazardous contaminants with the least air resulting in the greatest savings.

Our history is well based in the science of industrial employee exposure and the reduction of that exposure using the latest engineering controls. We tackle the difficult and unusual problems that other consultants and manufacturers representatives are afraid to tackle.

We specialize in:

  • Fixing poorly designed and problematic Industrial Ventilation Systems
  • Render inert sticky aerosol particulate that fouls normal systems inert
  • Highly toxic metal exposure mitigations
  • Explosive dust strategies

Air Systems Corporation is an organization of highly skilled and trained specialists in the field of diagnostics and solutions for Industrial Ventilation and Airborne Particulate Control Systems.  With over 80 years of combined experience in the dust collection and industrial ventilation field we have the experience and expertise to solve any of you employee exposure and air contamination problems.  Our specialists include past EPA Regulators, Air Quality Permit Engineers and an Industrial Engineer, each bringing a unique perspective to your unique applications.